Is Beetroot Keto Friendly?

When it comes to following a ketogenic diet, choosing the right vegetables can make all the difference in achieving and maintaining ketosis. One such vegetable that often raises questions in the keto community is beetroot. Known for its vibrant color and earthy flavor, beetroot is both delicious and packed with nutrients. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the keto-friendliness of beetroot, discussing its carbohydrate content, nutritional profile, suitable portion sizes, and offering some delectable keto-friendly recipes that make the most of this versatile root vegetable.

Understanding the Carbohydrate Content

Keto dieters are vigilant about their carbohydrate intake since the primary goal of the diet is to limit carbs to induce a state of ketosis, where the body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. So, where does beetroot stand in the carb-counting game?

A 100-gram serving of cooked beetroot contains roughly 7 grams of carbohydrates. While this might seem high for a keto diet that typically limits daily carb intake to 20-50 grams, it’s important to consider that beetroot also offers valuable dietary fiber (about 2 grams per 100 grams) and essential nutrients. The fiber content can help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, potentially minimizing the impact on blood sugar levels, making beetroot a reasonable choice when consumed in moderation.

Nutritional Profile of Beetroot

Besides carbohydrates, beetroot boasts an impressive nutritional profile that includes vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are some key nutrients found in beetroot:

Folate: Beetroot is a good source of folate, an essential B-vitamin important for overall health.

Vitamin C: This antioxidant vitamin supports the immune system and skin health.

Potassium: Beetroot contains potassium, which is important for heart health and regulating blood pressure.

Iron: Iron is vital for the production of red blood cells and overall energy levels.

Manganese: This trace mineral plays a role in bone health and metabolism.

Antioxidants: Beetroot is rich in antioxidants like betalains, which can help combat oxidative stress in the body.

Appropriate Portion Sizes

When incorporating beetroot into a keto diet, portion control is crucial. A small serving of beetroot, such as a quarter to a half-cup of cooked beetroot, can be included in a keto meal without significantly impacting your carb limit. This allows you to enjoy the flavor and nutritional benefits of beetroot while staying within your daily carbohydrate target.

Keto-Friendly Beetroot Recipes

Now that we’ve established that beetroot can be a part of your keto diet in moderation, let’s explore some delightful keto-friendly recipes that showcase this root vegetable’s versatility:

Beetroot Salad with Goat Cheese: Combine roasted beetroot, fresh greens, and crumbled goat cheese for a flavorful keto salad. Top it with a balsamic vinaigrette made with olive oil and a low-carb sweetener.

Beetroot and Avocado Smoothie: Blend cooked beetroot, avocado, unsweetened almond milk, and a touch of stevia or erythritol for a creamy and nutritious keto-friendly smoothie.

Beetroot Chips: Slice beetroot thinly, season with olive oil, salt, and pepper, then bake until crispy for a satisfying keto-friendly snack.

Beetroot and Cabbage Slaw: Shred beetroot and cabbage, mix with a keto-friendly dressing (mayonnaise and mustard), and serve as a side dish with grilled meat or fish.


In conclusion, while beetroot does contain carbohydrates, it can still be enjoyed in moderation as part of a well-balanced ketogenic diet. Its nutrient-rich profile and potential health benefits make it a valuable addition to your keto-friendly recipes. Just be mindful of portion sizes to stay within your carb limits and continue enjoying the vibrant flavors and nutritional benefits that beetroot brings to your keto meals.


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